Naši zubi (fragmenti) / Naši zubi (fragments)
Stjepan Velić
Yugoslavia / 1951 / 8' 0''Screenings
A promotional film Naši zubi (Our Teeth, 1951) was directed and written by Stjepan Velić, shot by Zdravko Mihelčić, backgrounds were drawn by Miroslav Bobuš, and Bogoslav Petanjek as the main cartoonist and animator. Some sequences of this film depict struggle of white blood cells with black bacteria, which, like an organized army, penetrate the body through damaged teeth. Some solutions for this film were made largely under the direct influence of Walt Disney’s film Vaccination, which features quite a few similar scenes. Naši zubi has had great success with young audiences because of its cartoonish charms, which was achieved without neglecting the basic, educational goal. (R. Munitić)