World Festival of Animated Film /
6 to 11 June 2022
World Festival of Animated Film / 6 to 11 June 2022
hr | en

Authors   |   Lorca Alonso


Lorca Alonso (1999) is an animated film director. He graduated from the Institut Sainte-Geneviève in 2019, where he directed Not Even 1.2Metres. He then directed I Don't Want to Belong to a Club of Which I am a Member, and The World 3 Model. In 2023 he completed his course at La Poudrière, where he directed Cut Off My Tail (one-minute film), Or i Allons Pendar (20-second film), Eliminate Her! for the Espoirs de l'Animation (in partnership with Gulli), and Love and Pretence, his graduation film.