World Festival of Animated Film /
6 to 11 June 2022
World Festival of Animated Film / 6 to 11 June 2022
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Authors   |   Liu Yi


Liu Yi (Ningbo, China, 1990) graduated from the China Academy of Fine Arts School of Intermedia Art with Bachelor‘s degree and the China Academy of Fine Arts with Master’s degree in 2012 and 2016, respectively. Currently she lives in Hangzhou. Early Chinese art films and experimental animation are her primary research interests. Her video works include Origin of Species, Chaos Theory, A Travel Inward, Into The Void, A Crow Has Been Calling for a Whole Day etc. Liu Yi’s works have been collected by institutions such as the White Rabbit Gallery in Australia, the East Asia Library at Stanford University, the M+ Museum in Hong Kong, the Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art, and the Zhejiang Art Museum.