World Festival of Animated Film /
6 to 11 June 2022
World Festival of Animated Film / 6 to 11 June 2022
hr | en

Authors   |   Ivana Bošnjak Volda


Ivana Bošnjak Volda (1983) graduated from the Graphics Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb and Animation at the University in Volda, Norway. She graduated with her film Crossed Sild, made in collaboration. Ivana has co-directed three puppet films Simulacra (2014), Imbued Life (2019) and Remember How I Used to Ride a White Horse (2022). with her partner Thomas Johnson Volda. The films have been screened and awarded at many international festivals. Ivana has been professionally involved in various stop motion projects across Europe and leads animation workshops for children and students.