World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 4 to 9 June 2018
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature edition 4 to 9 June 2018
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Wildebeest / Wildebeest

Grand Competition Short Film 4


Wildebeest / Wildebeest

Matthias Phlips, Nicolas Keppens

Belgium / 2017 / 19' 8''


Buy_ticket Buy tickets
Wednesday, 06. 06.,
Tuškanac Cinema, 11:00 h
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Thursday, 07. 06.,
Europa Cinema, 20:00 h


Going on a safari is a dream for many. For middle-aged couple Linda and Troyer, it turns into a horribly real adventure when they get left behind in the wilderness.

Matthias Phlips

Matthias Phlips (Aalst, 1982), a.k.a. MAT, studied Graphic Design at Luca School of Arts in Ghent. After graduating, Matthias started working as a graphic designer in Ghent, while developing his career as an illustrator and cartoonist. He has published two books, Daniël van Dicht and Vet boek van Sharon, and does commissioned work for De Standaard (DS weekblad) and NRC Handelsblad among others. Currently MAT is working on a new book.


Nicolas Keppens

Nicolas studied film and animation at KASK Ghent and perfected his skills at the film academy of Luca School of Arts Brussels. His credits include the short films Superstars (2012), Wildebeest (2017) and Easter Eggs (2020), an animated short film about finding extraordinary things in ordinary places.



Matthias Phlips, Nicolas Keppens


Animal Tank


Grand Competition Short Film 4