The Mesmerizing Loop: The Rare Case of Tom Winkler’s Animated GIFs – Francisco Ortega-Grimaldo (Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA) PANEL 4: ANIMATION AT LARGE 06/06 WED 14:30–15:00 h
Immersive Stories: Hand-drawn Aesthetics in the Hyper-digital 360° World – Millie Young (Mahidol University International College, Thailand) PANEL 4: ANIMATION AT LARGE 06/06 WED 15:05–15:35 h
Phidias the Animator. Movement Analysis in the Parthenon’s Frieze – Georges Sifianos (ENSAD Paris, France) PANEL 4: ANIMATION AT LARGE 06/06 WED 15:50–16:20 h
The Context and Development of Animated Documentaries, the Cornerstones of Modern Animation in Sweden – Midhat Ajanović (University West, Trollhättan, Sweden) PANEL 4: ANIMATION AT LARGE 06/06 WED 16:25–16:55 h