World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 4 to 9 June 2018
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature edition 4 to 9 June 2018
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Merlot / Merlot

Marta Gennari, Giulia Martinelli

Italy / 2016 / 5' 40''


Thursday, 07. 06.,
Tuškanac Cinema, 11:00 h
Friday, 08. 06.,
Kinoteka, 20:00 h


In a fairy-tale forest, a grumpy old lady loses a bottle of wine. This is the start of a chain of events where all the characters – an old lady, a naughty little girl, a cowardly mushroom seeker, a stupid wolf, a flock of birds – play their role, in a funny repartee between the film frames, leading to an unexpected development.

Marta Gennari

Marta Gennari is a student at CSC Animazione in Torino. She graduated animation in 2016 with the short film Merlot.


Giulia Martinelli

Giulia Martinelli is a student at CSC Animazione in Torino. She graduated animation in 2016 with the short film Merlot.



Marta Gennari, Giulia Martinelli


Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Piemonte, Dip.to Animazione


Giulia Martinelli


Marta Gennari, Giulia Martinelli


Emile Awards - European Animation Awards