World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature film edition 6 - 11 June 2016
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature film edition 6 - 11 June 2016
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Neige / Snow

Antoine Lanciaux, Sophie Roze

Switzerland, France / 2015 / 25' 56''


Saturday, 11. 06.,
Tuškanac Cinema, 10:00 h


Pearl leaves her parents for the traditional annual school trip just before summer holiday. But once she’s gone the small town where her parents live is hit by an incredible snowstorm. Her little brother Simeon then makes an amazing discovery – an Inuit family has settled on a roundabout. The meeting of the two worlds will spark a wonderful adventure.

Antoine Lanciaux

Antoine Lanciaux joined Folimage in 1991 as an animator. He worked on most of the series and films the studio produced. Then he trained with directors such as M. Dudok de Wit and M. Ocelot then worked on the designs and screenwriting for films by I. Tcherenkov. He and J-R Girerd co-signed the adaptation of Charlie’s Christmas and the screenplays for Raining Cats and Frogs and Mia and the Migoo. Later, Antoine and P-L Granjon co-directed Leon’s Animated Stories, a collection of stop-motion films.


Sophie Roze

Sophie Roze was born in 1979. She studied history at university then turned to animation and was accepted at La Poudrière school in 2003. She directed her first film in 2009, Joseph’s Snails (stop-motion), then The Whale Bird (cut-out) in 2010. She also illustrates children’s books. In 2014, she co-directed Snow (cut-out) with Antoine Lanciaux.



Antoine Lanciaux, Sophie Roze




Antoine Lanciaux, Pierre-Luc Granjon


Louis Crelier


Hervé Guichard


Pierre-Luc Granjon


Family Program 1 (age: 4+)