World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature film edition 6 - 11 June 2016
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature film edition 6 - 11 June 2016
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Authors   |   Antoine Lanciaux


Antoine Lanciaux joined Folimage in 1991 as an animator. He worked on most of the series and films the studio produced. Then he trained with directors such as M. Dudok de Wit and M. Ocelot then worked on the designs and screenwriting for films by I. Tcherenkov. He and J-R Girerd co-signed the adaptation of Charlie’s Christmas and the screenplays for Raining Cats and Frogs and Mia and the Migoo. Later, Antoine and P-L Granjon co-directed Leon’s Animated Stories, a collection of stop-motion films.