World Festival of Animated Film /
short film edition 3 - 8 June 2014
World Festival of Animated Film / short film edition 3 - 8 June 2014
hr | en

Grand Competition Jury   |   Marie-Hélène Girod


For the past two years, Marie-Hélène has been the commissioning editor for Arte Creative, a platform dedicated to digital creativity: street art, web art, graphic design, video art. She selects playful experimental fiction and animated short films directed by young creative people spotted at large festivals or in art and animation schools. In 1992, she was part of the launching team of Arte as the business manager of the thematic evening’s department, Arte’s emblematic programs. She contributed to numerous international co-productions dedicated to all the audiovisual genres.

She switched to editorial skills and produced a 26' daily show on trends and innovations in design, food, architecture and fashion. Four years later, she joined the social issue and geopolitical department where she contributed to a collection on famous biographies and thematic documentaries. In 2003, she became a documentary expert with MEDEA sessions (Mediterranean and European exchange program). In 1995, she trained at EAVE sessions (European Audiovisual network). Before Arte, she was a production manager with EX NIHILO for a weekly show on Canal +.