Svjetski festival animiranog filma /
kratkometražno izdanje 1. - 6. lipnja 2010.
Svjetski festival animiranog filma / kratkometražno izdanje 1. - 6. lipnja 2010.
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Autori   |   Veronika Schubert



Veronika Schubert



1981: born in Bregenz / Austria

1999 – 2005: University for Art and Industrial Design, Linz / Austria:

Department of Experimental Design

2003/04: Zurich University of the Arts, Zurich / Switzerland:  

Department of New Media

2005: Scholarship: Forum of Friends and Alumni of University for Art and Industrial Design, Linz / Austria

2006: Artist in Residence in Paliano near Rome (donated by the State Government of Vorarlberg / Austria)

2008/2009: Artist in Residence in Cesky Krumlov / Czech Republic

         (donated by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture)

2009: Fine Arts Award by State Government of Vorarlberg / Austria

Lectureships at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (Textile Arts, Animation)

Lives and works in Vienna / Austria

Solo Exhibitions

2010                05.11. – 05.12.2010: Galerie Hollenstein, Lustenau / Austria

             2009                18.10-19.12.2009: Bildungshaus Batschuns, Vorarlberg / Austria

             2009                17.07. - 28.08.2009: MUSA-Startgalerie: "Heraus mit der Sprache", Vienna / Austria

             2006                08.11.-18.11.2006: "Sag, dass das nicht wahr ist",  Galerie 5020, Salzburg / Austria

Group Exhibitions:

             2010                Ohne Gnade – reduktion schafft mehr, Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz / Austria

                                      Übersetzung ist eine Form. | Translation is a mode. Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna / Austria

             2009                Kunstverein das weisse haus, Vienna / Austria

                                      KUB im Brutkasten, Poolbar Festival, Feldkirch / Austria

             2008                unORTnung III, Genochmarkt, Vienna / Austria

                                      ASIFA Keil, Museumsquartier Vienna / Austria

          2007                “the enforced dress”, Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Vienna / Austria

                                      "Das Gute muss nicht immer das Böse sein", Kunstraum Engländerbau, Vaduz/Liechtenstein

                                      “Kunstterror – Kunstankäufe der Stadt Linz 2003-2006”, Nordico-Museum Linz / Austria

             2006                Salon du Monde (Ausstellung des Landes Vorarlberg), Berlin / Germany

"gender housing", Linz / Austria

             2005                „Best Off 05“, Landesgalerie, Linz / Austria

                                      “faible“, Medien Kultur Haus, Wels / Austria

                         “collectionwise“, Galerie 5020, Salzburg / Austria

2004                Tramjam Rushhours in Zurich, Vienna, Rotterdam – sound performances  (CH / A / NL)

                                      „Freies Fernsehen: TV2“, Salzburger Kunstverein / Austria

             2003                „Wonders Of The Modern World“, MAK NITE, Vienna / Austria

                                      „Madam, I´m Adam“, University for Art and Industrial Design, Linz / Austria


      2010            Tricky Women Festival, Vienna / Austria: Hubert Sielecki Award for Austrian Animation

          2009            Fine Arts Award by State Government of Vorarlberg / Austria
          2007            Sidewalk Cinema 07, Vienna: 3.

          2005            Animationsfimfestival Animateka, Ljubljana / Slovenia: Honorary Mention    

          2005            Filmfestival film:riss Salzburg / Austria: 1.   

          2005            Sidewalk Cinema 05: Audience Award + Honorary Mention

         2005            Scholarship: Forum of Friends and Alumni

                                     of University for Art and Industrial Design, Linz / Austria

          2005            ORF: Shorts on Screen 05 (Upper Austria)


2009 – Tintenkiller / Ink Eraser (4:30 min)

2007 – Vielfalt / Diversity(1:50 min, with Tina Rhomberg)

2006 – Guten Tag – Buon Giorno (3:15 min)

2005 - Tele-Dialog (Diplomarbeit, 5:10 min)

2004 - Schildertausch (9:52 min)

2004 - Stricken mit Vroni (4:30 min)

2003 - Wartime Conditions (4:40 min)

2002 - Sicherheit (3:55min)

Filmovi autora prikazani na Animafestu
