World Festival of Animated Film /
3 to 8 June 2024
World Festival of Animated Film / 3 to 8 June 2024
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ANIMAFEST PRO | ANIMAFEST SCANNER XI | Panel 1: Studying Early Animation (Tracing Some Basics)

Animafest Scanner XI: Symposium for Contemporary Animation Studies

04-05/06 TUE-WED 09:30 – 16:30 KIC
In English, open to public.

The 11th edition of the Symposium for Contemporary Animation Studies Animafest Scanner XI aims to create synergy of theoretical and practical discourses and stimulate exchange between filmmakers and scholars. As the worldwide animation studies are rapidly growing and evolving in recent years, catching up with the expanding field of animated films, Animafest Scanner symposium is again at the frontline of the discourse and the interaction of theoretical and practical approaches to animation.

The symposium is held in association with the World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb.Over the course of its fifty-two-years history, the festival has given a stage to different animation forms and formats in competition and non-competition environments, presenting a worldwide selection of auteur, experimental and mainstream animated films in various programs. 

The speakers will focus on the following subjects:Studying Early Animation (Tracing Some Basics), Role of Editor and Editing in Animated Film, Humor in Animation, Authorship in/of AI Animation.

Ingo Petzke is this year’s keynote speaker and the recipient of the Animafest Zagreb Award for Outstanding Contribution to Animation Studies.He is an internationally acclaimed German expert in film and video art, focused in particular on experimental film, who in addition to his scholarly and creative work has great merits in university-level educational process. Over the course of his long career at university institutions from Germany to Australia and New Zealand, Petzke has instilled generations of young people with love to creative work and research, especially in the field of interactive media and avant-garde film art. His contribution is perhaps most tangible in practice (as a mentor and supervisor he took part in the production of a large number of award-winning student films, he curated film programmes and retrospective DVD compilations of prominent experimental masters of experimental film art), but this doesn’t diminish his impact on film studies. At Animafest Zagreb 1998, a time when Zagreb did not yet have a university course in animation, he initiated, designed and mentored the first international student workshop. Of course, his articles and reviews published in many international magazines are of particular importance, as well as his Experimental Film Handbook published by Deutsches Filmmuseum from Frankfurt. All things considered, Petzke has been, among foreign scholars, one of the most deserving for the affirmation and understanding the importance of Animafest Zagreb in the global context. He is a member of the German Film Critics Association and Australian Film Producers Association. (Margit Antauer)

Historical and current trends, numerous perspectives, new findings in the fast-growing field of animation studies, paired with exciting speakers – all this and more awaits you at the Animafest Scanner XI symposium, in context of screenings and other events organized by Animafest Zagreb 2024.

World Festival of Animated film - Animafest Zagreb
ASIFA Austria
Hulahop Film & Art Production

Organising committee:
Daniel Šuljić, MA, World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb
Franziska Bruckner, PhD St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences / AG Animation Vienna
Nikica Gilić, PhD, Prof., Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
Professor Holger Lang, Webster University
Professor Hrvoje Turković, PhD, Prof. in retirement, Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb

Andrijana Ružić, Independent Scholar, Università Statale di Milano

With support of:
Croatian Audiovisual Centre
Zagreb Tourist Board
City of Zagreb
Croatian Film Directors’ Guild
AG Animation / Society for Media Studies
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences



09:30 – Welcome & Introduction
09:45 – 10:30 Keynote: Tracing Back to Some Basics of Analogue Animation
Ingo Petzke (Animafest Zagreb Award for Outstanding Contribution to Animation Studies)

Panel 1: Studying Early Animation (Tracing Some Basics)
Moderator: Nikica Gilić
10:35 – 11:05 Researching and Restoring Early Chromolithographic Film Loops, Robby Gilbert (United States)
11:20 – 11:50 From Pure Cinema to Narrative Abstraction. Animated Film as a Theoretical Concept, Olga Bobrowska (Poland)
11:55 – 12:25 Miniaturised Materialities: Traces of Animation’s Physical Past,Franziska Bruckner, Julian Salhofer Jack McGrath (Australia)
12:30 – 13:00 Revisiting Graphical Sound, Max Hattler (Germany / Hong Kong)

Panel 2: Role of Editor and Editing in Animated Film
Moderator: Andrijana Ružić
14:30 – 15:00 Do We Really Need Film Editors in Animated Films?,Iva Kraljević (Croatia)
15:05 – 15:35 Beyond Words, Bill Kinder (United States / France)
15:40 – 16:10 Fabricating Filmic Spontaneity for a Contemporary Audience: The Editing of Bob Spit: We Do Not Like People, Samuel Baptista Mariani (Brazil)


09:30 Introduction
Panel 3: Humor in Animation
Moderator: Hrvoje Turković
09:35 – 10:05 Pärn's Humor: Talking in the Fog,Akira Arimochi (Japan)
10:10 – 10:40 Looking for a Job at the End of the World. Humour in the Adult Animated Comedy Miniseries Carol & the End of the World: A Case Study,Martina Tritthart (Austria)
10:55 – 11:25 Satire and Political Commentary in Iranian Animation, Farzaneh Omidvarnia, Mehrdad Sheikhan (Iran / Denmark)
11:30 – 12:00 Discovering Queerdom and the Mystery of the First LGBTQ Animated Comedy,Jeremy Speed-Schwartz (United States)

Panel 4: Authorship In/Of AI Animation
Moderator: Holger Lang
14:00 – 14:30 Expanding the Collaboration of Artist and AI in Animation Production with LoRAs, Melanie Beisswenger (Germany)
14:35 – 15:05 The End of the Pipeline - Feature Engineering in Animation Pre-production, Andy Buchanan (United States
15:20 – 15:50 AniVision: Using AI for Studying Animation Stylistics, Monica Apellaniz Portos, Claudius Stemmler (Germany)
15:55 – 16:25 AI, an Inhuman Perspective but a Diabolical Fascination,Paola Bristot (Italy)