World Festival of Animated Film /
3 to 8 June 2024
World Festival of Animated Film / 3 to 8 June 2024
hr | en

GRAND COMPETITION - FEATURE FILM   |   Vassilis C. Karamitsanis


Vassilis C. Karamitsanis was born in Athens in 1976. After finishing school at the Athens College, he studied law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR), and completed postgraduate degrees in the Universities of Rotterdam (NL), Hamburg (D) and Aix-Marseille III (F). He is an attorney-at-law licensed by the Athens Bar since 2001. Since 2008 he is president of Animasyros International Animation Festival and during 2015-2023 he has been president of ASIFA Hellas - Hellenic Animation Association. In 2018 he received the title of the Knight in the Order of Letters and Arts of France, while during 2018-2019 he chaired the board of the Greek National Opera. Since 2022 he is president of CIFEJ - International Center of Films for Children & Young People.