AI ON THE WAY TO ANIMATED FILM STORYBOARDING António Manuel Dias Costa Valente (Assistant Professor, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal)
Theatre &TD
06/06 TUE 15:35-16:05
The preparation of a film is a complex creative and authorial process, where advances and setbacks are almost always multiplied. There are movements in creative moments that take various forms through the development of the writing, the construction of multiple images, the visualization of the movement and the search for sound contexts. Done by only a few creatives, often from a single author, the time of preparation of a new animation film is almost always marked by isolation and a lot ofexperimentation. In general, there seems to be a consensus that the most significant phase of the preparation time seems to end with completion of the storyboard. AI seems to be the new creative time companion of some contemporary animation authors. AI text generators drive the writing of the synopsis, the treatment and finally the plot. Other AI generators multiply graphic and imaging possibilities in the field of graphic search for characters, objects and scenarios. AI animation generators are being used to test the possibilities of animated movement and finally, sound and music generators are already proposing the sound space of the future film at this stage of preparation. New AI tools seem to simplify the work of previewing a film before its production, as tested and disseminated, for example, by Coppola at his Zoetrope Studios, but now also at the authorial level, participating in the creative realization of the storyboard and even of an animatic. The laboratory work that has been developed in this field by three authors in Portugal, Australia and China will be the topic of analysis in this lecture.
António Manuel Dias Costa Valente is Assistant Professor at the University of Algarve, a researcher at CIAC and a collaborator at ID+, integrating the coordination of DMAD – PhD in Digital Media Art. Researching in the field of animation cinema, he co-authored the first feature film in Portuguese animation and has produced dozens of award-winning films. He directs the International Journal of Cinema and AVANCA | CINEMA,International Conference Cinema - Art, Technology, Communication since 2010. Having been President of the Portuguese Federation of Film Societies, he is currently Secretary for Europe of the International Federation of Film Societies.