World Festival of Animated Film /
7 to 12 June 2021
World Festival of Animated Film / 7 to 12 June 2021
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SELECTION COMMITTEE   |   Thomas Johnson


Thomas Johnson (Bath, England, 1984) graduated in Time Based Media from the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, and at the New Media Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb. In 2010 Thomas moved to Croatia and has since been working in the field of stop-motion animation projects. Together with his partner Ivana Bošnjak they have created two short films; Simulacra (2014) and Imbued Life (2019), and are currently in production of their third short film Apathy. Thomas also creates live performative animation works which have been exhibited at a number of festivals across Europe. His first performance animation at Animafest titled Portrait took place in 2015 and he has been making these often bizarre animation performances at the festival since.