World Festival of Animated Film /
7 to 12 June 2021
World Festival of Animated Film / 7 to 12 June 2021
hr | en

Authors   |   Marek Náprstek


Marek Náprstek was born in Prague, Czech Republic in 1987 and has spent most of his life there. He got a degree in teaching English and French before taking up his current line of study, animation. He is in the fifth year at FAMU, the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. Apart from animation and visual arts in general, he is also interested in experimenting with music, creating scores to his films or their parts himself. He tries to play the ukulele and several other musical instruments, which he then uses to terrorise children at summer camps. He still lives in Prague, currently working as a 3D character animator.