Emmanuel Guardiola: The future of gaming starts with game education
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2/10 FRI 13:00h &TD
How is game making taught in major European public game schools? What are the big challenges of educating the future professionals of the video game industry? And more importantly, how to prepare them for a changing environment? From his experience at the CNAM-ENJMIN (main French national video game development school) and from the Cologne Game Lab (Institute of Applied Sciences at the University of Cologne), Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Guardiola shares the main challenges of teaching in this particular field.
Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Guardiola, Head of Research, Cologne Game Lab TH Köln
With expertise in game design methodologies, Professor Emmanuel Guardiola is a veteran of the video game industry with over 30 major titles. A PhD in computer science, E. Guardiola is now Head of Research at the Cologne Game Lab – TH-Köln. In the field of game design research he focuses on models, processes, characteristics of the gameplay experience and how we can apply these findings to education, health, psychology or humanitarian causes.