World Festival of Animated Film /
28 September to 3 October 2020
World Festival of Animated Film / 28 September to 3 October 2020
hr | en

Jeu / Play

Georges Schwizgebel

Switzerland, Canada / 2006 / 3' 50''


Tuesday, 29. 09.,
Cinema SC, 15:30 h


From the detailed account announcing the beginning to the rigid appearance of the word END, Jeu provokes a magnificent vertigo with its uninterrupted running, full of surprises. A furious race towards final immobilisation, like a metaphor of modern restlessness, the illustration of a world resting on a succession of forms which become distorted to deceive the senses again and again in a pirouetting and playful choreography.

Georges Schwizgebel

Animation director Georges Schwizgebel has created a remarkably original body of work. His films are marked by masterful technical execution, a playful approach to narrative, spectacular formalism, and the intermingling of visuals and music. His first film, The Flight of Icarus, launched a prolific career, boasting numerous awards at prestigious international festivals like Cannes, Annecy, Animafest Zagreb, Hiroshima, Stuttgart, Ottawa, and Espinho. The Ride to the Abyss (1992) is regularly cited as one of the finest animated films of all time. In 2017, Georges Schwizgebel received the Honorary Cristal in Annecy, followed by the Honorary Award of the Swiss Film Awards in 2018. In 2019, he was awarded the French insignia of Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters. He is the most awarded author in the history of Animafest, and was presented with the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2020.



Georges Schwizgebel


Studio GDS/Television Suisse Romande/NFB


Georges Schwizgebel


Jean-Claude Gaberel


Scherzo to Piano Concerto No.2, Orchestre de la Suisse romande and NFB/ONF


Georges Schwizgebel Retrospective