There's No "E" in Wisconsin / There's No "E" in Wisconsin
Lindsey DeMars
United States / 2019 / 9' 16''Screenings
Theatre &TD, 16:30 h
Cinema SC, 17:30 h
Two talking rats and a cat with hands go on a completely feasible adventure in a rocket ship made entirely out of junk.
Lindsey DeMars is an artist from Long Island, NY who’s passionate about writing, animation, comedy, and using an Oxford comma at the end of a list of three or more items. The cartoons Lindsey watched as a kid lied about the taste of Brussels sprouts, and encouraged her to boycott said vegetable for the majority of her life. Since realizing that Brussels sprouts are actually quite good, and mulling over the many missed years of consumption, Lindsey has, in a fit of rage, vowed to never make a cartoon that contains any factual inaccuracies.
Lindsey DeMars
Rhode Island School of Design
Lindsey DeMars
Lindsey DeMars
Lindsey DeMars
Student Film Competition 4