World Festival of Animated Film /
3 to 8 June 2019
World Festival of Animated Film / 3 to 8 June 2019
hr | en

WORLD PANORAMA | World Panorama 1

World Panorama

Animafest’s audience reserves the exclusive right not to agree with the festival selection committee and at the same time remain privileged in latest films by their favourite filmmakers. And indeed, what kind of an overview of the global animation scene would it be without the latest works of Dahee Jeong, the pioneer of ‘women’s writing’ in animation and the devotee of literary inspirations, the funny and dynamic Peter Millard prone to absurdity explained in the ‘history of Japanese animation’, talented Miloš Tomić, a lover of radio, acquainting us with the work of Mihovil Logar… Alongside visual treats like Around the Stairway (with Georges Schwizgebel’s contribution), Afloat, Scapegoat, Sonolumin, Floreana, dive into global trends in most diverse animation styles and narratives. Twenty-eight films from 24 countries in total.