Round Table: Animation in Galleries
05/06 WED Kulturno informativni centar (KIC) 15:00
Curating animation in the past ten years gained prominence beyond the festival context and cinema, raising many questions about exhibition possibilities and the exhibition practice of animation as a visually opulent form. Since animation is based on different art forms, there is a need to preserve the materials testifying to the process, but often these artefacts are also in themselves very valuable. Next to the many challenges of the gallery set-up, something meant first of all as a depiction on the big screen, the authors have become aware of the artistic importance and possibilities brought by the stages preceding or complementing the final product. Contemporary animation makes creative artistic and curatorial practice possible in a dialogue with filmmakers, which is the subject of this panel. In collaboration with AM centre.
Cecile Noesser, France
Boris Labbe, France
Martin Kusch, Austria
Stefan Stratill, Austria
Moderator: Marta Kiš (AM centar)