Relation • Ship
Zoey Lin
United States, Oculus Rift, 2018, 7’20’’
VR visual effects creative director: Kun Xia
Production, distribution: Zoey Lin
Relation • Ship is a film and virtual reality experience first inspired by Ghost Ship, a chapter from Roland Barthes' A lover's discourse: Fragments. Using stop motion organic characters and set design inspired by marine biology, the story consists of two separate philosophical ideas: the concept of “Assemblage” by Deleuze & Guattari, and the concept of “Plissement” by Merleau-Ponty.
Originally from Taiwan, Zoey Lin began as a fine artist investigating realism in painting and drawing. Her work has evolved into multimedia works examining the existence of matter and the tension between the perceived "surface layer" and an imagined "flowing underlying layer". She examines this tension in diverse subject matter utilizing collage physical everyday objects and organic textures. In 2018 she received her MA in animation and digital arts at the University of Southern Carolina.