World Festival of Animated Film /
3 to 8 June 2019
World Festival of Animated Film / 3 to 8 June 2019
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Marta Stražičić
Croatia, HTC Vive, 2018
Production, distribution: Marta Stražičić

Let your instincts guide you throughout the fantastical world of oversized arthropods! As pollution rained across the planet, both land and sea became uninhabitable. There was no time for other options. To survive, these arthropods had to adapt once again, except this time they had to crossover into the digital realm. From a simple wasp to puss moth caterpillar and water bear hybrid, it is time to show off their terraformed beauty.

Marta Stražičić (Zadar, 1995) got her MA degree in Animation and New Media (ALU, Zagreb) in 2018, receiving prestigious “cum laude” award and the praise of the Academic Council of ALU. In 2019 she obtained N3 (JLPT) level certificate for Japanese language. Marta is the main art technician for VR incubator, official virtual reality artist residency in Croatia, funded by Croatian Ministry of Culture and Kultura nova. She holds lectures and workshops in VR, 3D design and medical animation using Cinema 4D software. Her multimedia works and animated films were exhibited internationally.