World Festival of Animated Film /
3 to 8 June 2019
World Festival of Animated Film / 3 to 8 June 2019
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Rhythmus 21 / Rhythm 21

Hans Richter

Germany / 1921 / 4' 0''


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Monday, 03. 06.,
Tuškanac Cinema, 22:00 h
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Wednesday, 05. 06.,
Tuškanac Cinema, 15:30 h


When Hans Richter produced a compilation of his avant-garde films from the early 1920s, he titled it according to its central theme, Film ist Rhythmus (Film is Rhythm). Rhythmus 21 is today considered a key modernist film. Like Rhythmus 23, the film consists of pure visual ‘moving art’. Suggested by the theory of musical counterpoint, it is a ‘ballet’ of black, white, and a few grey geometric shapes that, as Richter put it, move in a rhythm that remains uniform throughout the entire image. (Berlinale)


Hans Richter




Animation and Fine Arts 4: Paintings in Motion