World Festival of Animated Film /
3 to 8 June 2019
World Festival of Animated Film / 3 to 8 June 2019
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Viagem a Cabo Verde / Journey to Cape Verde

Focus on Portugal 2


Viagem a Cabo Verde / Journey to Cape Verde

José Miguel Ribeiro

Portugal / 2010 / 17' 22''


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Friday, 07. 06.,
Kaptol Boutique Cinema, Hall 1, 17:30 h


This is the story of a sixty-day-long walk in Cape Verde. No mobile phone, no watch, no plans for what to do next – only the bare essentials in the backpack. Our traveller explores the mountains, the villages, the sea, a talking tortoise, the goats, the music, the dry haze, the people of Cape Verde and an essential part of himself.

José Miguel Ribeiro

José Miguel Ribeiro (1966) is an animator, director and illustrator. With the film The Suspect he won Cartoon d'Or in 2000. In 2007 he co-founded the animation production company Sardinha em Lata. He illustrates children's picture books and he teaches animation in Portugal and abroad.



José Miguel Ribeiro


Sardinha em Lata, Filmes da Praça


Focus on Portugal 2