World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 4 to 9 June 2018
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature edition 4 to 9 June 2018
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Silencijum / Silencium

HORROR 5 - Croatian Bestiary


Silencijum / Silencium

Marko Meštrović, Davor Međurečan

Croatia / 2006 / 10' 0''


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Thursday, 07. 06.,
Europa Cinema, 15:30 h
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Friday, 08. 06.,
Kinoteka, 22:00 h


Film is based on Miroslav Krleža's The Ballads of Petrica Kerempuh, one of the capital works of Croatian literature. We are drawing parallels between ancient and modern time to emphasize that the masses were always oppressed by tyrants.

Marko Meštrović

Marko Meštrović (1972) received a degree in painting from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 1997. He has held numerous group and solo exhibitions, and began making animated films in 2000. He co-directed two animated films with Davor Međurečan: Silencium (2006) and Gipsy Song (2004). His solo projects are Note (2008) and No Sleep Won’t Kill You (2010), which gained critical acclaim touring the international festival circuit, including festivals in Clermont-Ferrand, Annecy, Zagreb (Animafest) and Sarajevo.


Davor Međurečan

Davor Međurečan (1971) has been making animated films since 1995 and has directed several animated shorts: Faust or About the Fall (2009), Kyrie Eleison (2004), The Main Course (1977), commercials and promos. Together with Marko Meštrović he co-directed two animated films, Ciganjska (2004) and Silencium (2006), winning several domestic and international awards. Besides animation, he works in illustration.



Marko Meštrović, Davor Međurečan


Kreativni sindikat, Ustanova Zagreb Film


HORROR 5 - Croatian Bestiary