World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 4 to 9 June 2018
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature edition 4 to 9 June 2018
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Gatta Cenerentola / Cinderella the Cat



Gatta Cenerentola / Cinderella the Cat

Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri, Alessandro Rak, Dario Sansone

Italy / 2017 / 86' 0''


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Tuesday, 05. 06.,
Europa Cinema, 22:00 h
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Wednesday, 06. 06.,
Kinoteka, 20:00 h


Cenerentola was raised in the Megaride, a ship stuck in the port of Naples for over 15 years. Her father, the ship owner and scientist, died taking to the grave the technological secrets of the ship and the dream for a revival of the port. Since then, the young girl has been living in the shadow of her fearsome stepmother and her six daughters. The city is now left to decay and its only hope lies in Salvatore Lo Giusto, o’Re, an ambitious drug trafficker who, plotting with the stepmother, exploits the inheritance of an unaware Cenerentola to turn the port of Naples into a hotbed for laundering. The ship, haunted by hologram-ghosts from a forgotten technology and history, will be the scene of the entire story.

Ivan Cappiello

Ivan Cappiello is an Italian pioneer of animation in three-dimensional graphic design. He established the Burning Brain company and began to work in multimedia and particularly in three-dimensional computer graphic design. In 2000 he directed his first 3D short film, Lights Out! In 2010 he began his collaboration with the emerging MAD Entertainment as director and supervisor of 3D animation, directing the TV special Il piccolo Sansereno e il Mistero dell’Uovo di Virgilio, produced by MAD Entertainment in collaboration with Rai Fiction, where he created meticulous and unprecedented 3D scenic designs of Naples in 1700. He moreover teaches courses on Techniques of 3D Modulation for Fashion and Techniques of 3D Animation at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Naples.


Marino Guarnieri

Marino Guarnieri creates, designs and participates in the realization of commercials and video clips, TV theme songs and educational products, documentaries, specials and feature films. He supervised the animation for the documentary Gli Occhi piuÌ€ Azzurri, in the educational series Docucartoon, and the episode Giga & Stick for INAF, before embarking on the collaboration with MAD Entertainment. His works include: Foja’s music video Donna Maria, the promo for the movie A Skeleton Story and the theme song for the Festival Crossmediale Cartoons on the Bay. He teaches Digital Animation at the Italian school of Comix, for which he directed the promotional commercial Chi Sogna Disegna and the short Mezzanotte di Segni. Gatta Cenerentola is his first feature film.


Alessandro Rak

Alessandro Rak directed in 2014 his first film, L’Arte della Felicità. The movie opened Settimana della Critica of the 70th Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica di Venezia as a Special Event, winning the Arca Cinema Giovani Prize and the FEDIC Menzione Speciale as Miglior Film Italiano a Venezia, the Best First Film prize at the 2013 Raindance Film Festival, the Anima 2014 International Animation Film Festival of Brussels Audience Award, the Ciak d’Oro 2014 Bello & Invisibile, the 2014 Expotoons Best Film Award, the 12th Kecskemét Animation Film Festival Student Jury Prize and the prestigious recognition as Best European Animated Film at the 2014 European Film Awards. Gatta Cenerentola (2017) is his second feature film.


Dario Sansone

Dario Sansone has worked in visual arts since 1997, collaborating with several advertising and publishing agencies. Since 2003 he has worked on comic books, publishing Edoardo a Fumetti: Le bugie con le gambe lunghe; he has collaborated since 2005 with the publishing house Star Comics. In 2013 he was assistant director and storyboarder for the feature animated film L’Arte della Felicità. For this film he wrote the track ‘A Malia, nominated in the Best Song category at Nastri D’Argento and David di Donatello, and he collaborated in the realization of the eponymous graphic novel edited by Rizzoli Lizard. In 2017 he works for La Parrucchiera’s soundtrack, earning the Best Soundtrack prize, awarded by the Social World Film Festival for Nunn’è cosa.



Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri, Alessandro Rak, Dario Sansone


Mad Entertainment


Alessandro Rak, Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri, Dario Sansone, Marianna Garofalo, Italo Scialdone, Corrado Morra


Alessandro Rak, Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri, Dario Sansone, Corrado Piscitelli, Davide Maimone, Laura Sammati, Ivana Verze


Alessandro Rak, Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri, Dario Sansone, Ivana Verze, Laura Sammati, Mariacarla Norall,Annarita Calligaris, Barbara Ciardo, Francesco Filippini, Mattia Florio, Danilo Florio


Andrea Cutillo, Giorgio Molfini


Antonio Fresa, Luigi Scialdone


Marino Guarnieri, Alessandro Rak


Alessandro Rak, Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri, Dario Sansone Annarita Calligaris Antonia Emanuela Angrisani Corrado Piscitelli Laura Sammati Ivana Verze Danilo Florio Viola Antonia Cecere Eugenio Clemente Donatella Granisso
