ANIMAFEST PRO | BOOK PRESENTATION | Maureen Furniss: 'A New History of Animation' / Ben Mitchell: Independent 'Animation: Developing, Producing and Distributing Your Animated Films' / Simon Bogojević Narath: 'Saturn’s Circle'
Simon Bogojević Narath: Saturn’s Circle
07/06 WED 18:00 h Medijateka Francuskog instituta
In English, free admission.
"Silent" graphic novel Saturn's Circle follows the destinies and adventures of the two Lawyers, working for the Bank Corp. During an attempt to evict the Poor Family – The Grandpa, The Grandma and The Girl – The Banking Duo gets into trouble caused, quite possibly, and possibly quite accidentally, by The Girl's child-curse. The Duo is drawn into a surrealist, hard-to-define universe of apparitions and quite unpleasant corporal experiences, reaping the fruits of their professional work in a circle of karmic relationships, wandering the intertwined paths laid down by cause and effect. Meanwhile, The Girl, her Family literally thrown into the street, discovers her own violin-playing virtuosity which completely defines her upcoming destiny. In a clash between the polarities of the calculated and the innocent, in a sardonic dance of opposites, there emerge the questions meant for each and every one of us: Who wins? Who learns more? Who becomes better?
Try to escape... if you have nothing better to do.