ANIMAFEST PRO | BOOK PRESENTATION | Maureen Furniss: 'A New History of Animation' / Ben Mitchell: Independent 'Animation: Developing, Producing and Distributing Your Animated Films' / Simon Bogojević Narath: 'Saturn’s Circle'
Ben Mitchell: Independent Animation: Developing, Producing and Distributing Your Animated Films
07/06 WED 18:00 h Medijateka Francuskog instituta
In English, free admission.
With the advent of advanced hand-held technology and the widespread nature of the internet, the world of animated filmmaking is more exciting and accessible than ever. Due to this cultural and technological development, the success of independent animated film makers is on the rise. Independent Animation showcases some of the greatest, most innovated giants in the field and helps guide readers through the artistic process and production techniques. Story development, casting, colour, distribution, and the intimidating aspects of production are elucidated using various examples from all over the world. Readers will also explore the changing nature of the audiences’ relationship with animation, granting firsthand guidance in navigating the diverse fields of animated filmmaking.