Monkey vs. Robot / Monkey vs. Robot
Megan Weber
United States / 1997 / 2' 20''Screenings
Megan and Dave met as students at the School of Visual Arts where they spent many late nights hanging out in the pencil text room making silly films. They were fans of the cartoonist and musician, James Kochalka Superstar and often had his songs stuck in their heads. Megan decided it would be fun to animate a music video for the anthem Monkey vs. Robot since it provided wonderful visual potential and a loose narrative. The art mixes inspiration from James Kochalka’s cartooning style and Megan’s own distinct character designs. The video was hand painted over the course of several weeks with the help of Megan’s friends and family. This version of the film was recorded directly to VHS which adds a low-fi charm to the DIY punk aesthetic of the original song.
Megan Weber
Dave Roman
Comics and Animation 1 - Carte Blanche Amid Amidi: Alternative Comics and Animation in the USA