World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
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Februar / Februar

Animation and VR


Februar / Februar

Maarten Isaäk de Heer

Netherlands / 2015 / 13' 0''


Monday, 05. 06.,
Tunel Grič 3, 15:00 h
Tuesday, 06. 06.,
Tunel Grič 3, 09:00 h
Wednesday, 07. 06.,
Tunel Grič 3, 09:00 h
Thursday, 08. 06.,
Tunel Grič 3, 09:00 h
Friday, 09. 06.,
Tunel Grič 3, 09:00 h
Saturday, 10. 06.,
Tunel Grič 3, 09:00 h


Februar is a 360° panoramic installation that examines the relationship between man and nature in a barren,wintry landscape. The landscape painting breaks out of the flat rectangle of the movie screen and forms an infinite world, meticulously animated. The spectator is outside in the drizzle, surrounded by trees. From a short distance, sounds of revelry can be heard, but it is constantly drowned out by the ghusts of wind and rain in an icy storm.

Maarten Isaäk de Heer

Maarten Isaäk de Heer is a Berlin-based animation artist. Besides his commissioned work, every 2-3 years he produces one piece of free animation. His works explore new forms such as installations of animated paintings, 360°, Fulldome, VR, lenticular print and animated wildlife documentary. In 2020 he started Menetekel Film; a production company focusing on bad omens.



Maarten Isaäk de Heer


Valk Productions


Animation and VR