World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
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Kukuschka / Kukuschka

Dina Velikovskaya

Russia / 2016 / 8' 45''


Buy_ticket Buy tickets
Tuesday, 06. 06.,
Kinoteka, 11:30 h
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Friday, 09. 06.,
Kinoteka, 09:30 h


Kukuschka is a bird who follows the Sun. It seems to her as if she could already touch it, but the Sun is still far away. Suddenly she is not alone anymore, but for two it's even more difficult to keep going so fast. She will reach the Sun, maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after.

Dina Velikovskaya

Dina Velikovskaya (Moscow, 1984) is an animation filmmaker. After graduating in animation from the Russian State University of Cinematography (VGIK) in 2011, she continued her studies at the High Animation School-Studio SHAR. She made two films that brought her international recognition: My Strange Grandfather (2011) and About a Mother (2015). She released three more films: Kukuschka, Ties and Princess Aubergine. In 2018, she became a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She lives and works in Berlin.



Dina Velikovskaya


Pchela animation studio


Dina Velikovskaya


Artem Fadeev


Artem Fadeev


Eugenia Zhirkova


Films for Children Competition 4 (age: 14+)