ANIMAFEST PRO | WORKSHOPS | Video Games Workshop
Video Games Workshop
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing:
6/6-10/6 9:00-17:00
Continuing on with the affirmation of video games as an equal medium of aesthetic creativity and a meeting point of animation art and digital technology, Animafest Zagreb 2016 in association with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Academy of Fine Arts and Croatian Game Developers Association is organising the 4th video game workshop. By connecting the programming, animation and illustration communities, Animafest Pro here aims to stimulate creativity and competitiveness of young artists and IT professionals and offers them a chance to be introduced to the transmedia connection between animation and computing. Workshop participants will be making their own video games in small teams of designers and programmers and presenting it on 11 June, 10:00-20:00 h at the Zagreb Dance Centre.
This year’s workshop mentor is Andrej Kovačević, the founder of Exordium Games, an independent Zagrebbased video game design studio. Apart from mentoring and the usual game jam, this year’s workshop includes education on the video game industry in Croatia and in-depth coverage of all the steps of professional development process – from production and marketing to making and placement. Exordium Games successfully launched their first big hit – Nephil’s Fall – through Kickstarter crowdfunding platform, and is currently preparing several different projects for mobile platforms and desktop computers.