World Festival of Animated Film /
short film edition 3 - 8 June 2014
World Festival of Animated Film / short film edition 3 - 8 June 2014
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Organised with MEDIA desk Croatia the festival segment Animafest Pro is intended for professionals from the area of film and animation. The aim of the programme is to facilitate production and distribution of animated films in Central and Eastern Europe, in countries of weaker production potential, and to stimulate collaboration between local, regional and international professionals. It comprises Regional Pitching Forum and Animafest Fund, two complementary elements for the stimulation and development of feature animated projects in early stages of production. The Regional Pitching Forum is developed as a platform for presentation of feature animation projects in development to producers and potential financiers, whereas Animafest Fund provides financial support for further development of the best regional project presented at the Pitching Forum. The Animafest Fund prize in the amount of 3.000 EUR is presented at the discretion of the International Pitching Forum Committee – Jasmina Kallay, Martina Petrović and Mike Robinson - to the best project in development.

For the first year, the winning project will also be directly selected by the Cartoon Movie selection committee in order to be pitched at the 2014 edition taking place from 5 to 7 March in Lyon, France. Cartoon Movie is the coproduction forum for European animated feature films. For two days, producers have the opportunity to pitch their animation project in front of all potential partners at once, in order to speed up financing, find co-producers and interest international distributors and sales agents.

The Animafest Regional Pitching Forum is held under the aegis of CARTOON – European Association of Animation Film.