World Festival of Animated Film /
short film edition 3 - 8 June 2014
World Festival of Animated Film / short film edition 3 - 8 June 2014
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Gurehto Rabitto / The Great Rabbit


Gurehto Rabitto / The Great Rabbit

Atsushi Wada

France, Japan / 2011 / 7' 5''



Once we called the noble, profound and mysterious existence The Great. We have moved with the time, our thought and consciousness has changed. And yet what makes us still keep calling it The Great?

Atsushi Wada

Atsushi Wada (1980, Hyōgo). While studying at the Osaka Kyoiku University, the Japan Institute of the Moving Image and the Tokyo University of the Arts, he started making short animated films in 2002. He is inspired by the minimalism and music of Nô theatre. His short film In a Pig’s Eye won awards at the Fantoche festival in Switzerland and at the London International Animation Festival. In the same year, his film The Mechanism of Spring premiered at Venice. The Great Rabbit won a Silver Bear at Berlinale Shorts in 2012 and Bird in the Peninsula did Special Mention in 2022.



Atsushi Wada


Sacrebleu Productions


Atsushi Wada
