Fargesymfoni i blatt / Colour symphony in blue
Oskar Fischinger
Norway / 1936 / 3' 0''Screenings
Europa Cinema, 16:00 h
Europa Cinema, 11:00 h
Also a Medina commercial, made from Oskar Fischinger’s classic Komposition in Blau. The last part and the responsibility to make the experimental short into a Norwegian cigarette commercial may well have been done by Oskar's brother Hans who stayed in Germany. The production company was Desider Gross in Prague for Tiedemanns Tobacco.
Oskar Fischinger (1900-1967) was a German filmmaker who made abstract animation films in the period from 1920s to 1030s. As a major figure in the development of filmic abstraction and ‘visual music’, as an inventor and experimentalist he was a pioneer in multimedia live performances and in introducing innovations to animation techiques. He emigrated to the US in 1936 where he lived until his death.