World Festival of Animated Film /
short film edition 29 May - 3 June 2012
World Festival of Animated Film / short film edition 29 May - 3 June 2012
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20Hz / 20Hz

Joe Gerhardt, Ruth Jarman

United Kingdom / 2011 / 5' 0''


Tuesday, 29. 05.,
Cineplexx Centar Kaptol, Hall 3, 22:00 h
Thursday, 31. 05.,
Europa Cinema, 20:00 h


20 Hz observes a geo-magnetic storm occurring in Earth's upper atmosphere. Working with data collected from the CARISMA radio array and interpreted as audio, we hear tweeting and rumbles caused by incoming solar wind, captured at the frequency of 20 Hertz. Generated directly by the sound, tangible and sculptural forms emerge suggestive of scientific visualisations. As different frequencies interact both visually and aurally, complex patterns emerge to create interference phenomena that probe the limits of our perception. Co-commissioned by Arts Santa Monica + Lighthouse UK. Supported by the British Council.

Joe Gerhardt

Semiconductor is UK artist duo Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt. Through moving image, sound and multi-media installations they explore the material nature of our world and how we experience it, questioning our place in the physical universe. Their unique approach has won them many awards and prestigious fellowships such as the Gulbenkian Galapagos, Smithsonian Artists Research and the NASA Space Sciences. Their work is part of several international public collections and is exhibited globally including; Venice Biennial, The Royal Academy, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, BBC, The Pompidou and The Exploratorium.Some of their previous works include All the Time in the World (2004), 200 Nanowebbers (2005), Brilliant Noise (2006), Earthmoves (2007), Magnetic Movie (2008), Heliocentric (2010).


Ruth Jarman

Semiconductor is UK artist duo Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt. Through moving image, sound and multi-media installations they explore the material nature of our world and how we experience it, questioning our place in the physical universe. Their unique approach has won them many awards and prestigious fellowships such as the Gulbenkian Galapagos, Smithsonian Artists Research and the NASA Space Sciences. Their work is part of several international public collections and is exhibited globally including; Venice Biennial, The Royal Academy, Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, BBC, The Pompidou and The Exploratorium.Some of their previous works include All the Time in the World (2004), 200 Nanowebbers (2005), Brilliant Noise (2006), Earthmoves (2007), Magnetic Movie (2008), Heliocentric (2010).



Joe Gerhardt, Ruth Jarman




Audio Data courtesy of CARISMA, operated by the University of Alberta, funded by the Canadian Space Agency (Canadian Array for Real Time Investigations of Magnetic Activity) Special thanks to Andy Kale


Joe Gerhardt, Ruth Jarman (Semiconductor)


Grand Competition 3