World Festival of Animated Film /
short film edition 29 May - 3 June 2012
World Festival of Animated Film / short film edition 29 May - 3 June 2012
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Via Curiel 8 / Via Curiel 8

Grand panorama 3


Via Curiel 8 / Via Curiel 8

Mara Cerri, Magda Guidi

France / 2011 / 8' 30''


Tuesday, 29. 05.,
Cineplexx Centar Kaptol, Hall 3, 18:00 h
Friday, 01. 06.,
Europa Cinema, 22:00 h


A man and a woman retrace a distant moment of their life, to look for each other and discover the unknown simultaneity of their existence. A meeting just imagined, a new memory to preserve and bring back to present.

Mara Cerri

Mara Cerri (1978) pohađala je institut za umjetnost Scuola del libro u Urbinu, odsjek za animirani film, a kasnije je ondje završila i dvogodišnju specijalizaciju. Od 2003. radi kao ilustratorica knjiga za djecu i surađuje s izdavačima u Italiji i inozemstvu. Godine 2008. počela je raditi na ilustriranoj knjizi Ulica Curiel 8, koja je prerasla u film.


Magda Guidi

Magda Guidi (1979) attended the art institute Scuola del libro in Urbino, division of animated film, followed by two years of specialization at the same school. She made several animated short films, including Si, però (2000), Ecco, è ora (2004). In 2009, together with Andrea Petrucci and Sergio Gutierrez, she created animations for a 45-minute-long animated film L’ultima volta che vidi mio padre directed by Chiara Guidi.



Mara Cerri, Magda Guidi


Sacrebleu Productions


Mara Cerri, Magda Guidi


Yoann Veyrat


Stephano Sasso, Mara Cassiani


Boubkar Benzabat, Mara Cerri, Magda Guidi


Mara Cerri, Magda Guidi


Grand panorama 3