Škola hodanja / Learning To Walk
Borivoj Dovniković
Croatia / 1978 / 8' 24''Screenings
This is the story of Svojislav who was accustomed to walking the way he was taught by his mother. However his four friends each try to teach him their style of walking convinced that theirs is the best way. Svojislav has a hard time getting away from his "redeemers" but having done so, he continues walking the way he always has.
Borivoj Dovniković Bordo (1930), animation director and animator, cartoonist, illustrator, comic strip and graphic designer is one of the pioneers of Yugoslav/Croatian/Zagreb animation. He started creating his independent animated films in Zagreb Film in 1961. During 55 years of his professional career he has received a number of national and international grants and awards. He was involved in the managing of the World Festival of Animated Films in Zagreb since its very beginning (1972). He was also a member of the Board of ASIFA, the International Association of Animated Film for many years.
Borivoj Dovniković
Ustanova Zagreb film
Borivoj Dovniković Bordo
Igor Savin
Tea Brunšmid
Borivoj Dovniković Bordo