18. World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb / short film edition 31 May - 05 June 2008
Festival Council: Pavao Štalter (Chairman), Mato Kukuljica, Vedran Mihletić, Milan Blažeković, Darko Kreč, Vesna Dovniković
Artistic Director: Krešimir Zimonić
Production: HULAHOP d.o.o.
Producers: Olinka Vištica, Dana Budisavljević
Executive producer: Vanja Kaluđerčić
Production Assistant: Vjera Matković
Program Advisor: Igor Prassel
Program Coordinator: Lucija Zore
Children films programing: Martina Peštaj
Hospitality Manager: Sanja Zanki
Public Realations: Hrvojka Begović
Volunteers Coordinator: Matija Brlek
Side Events Coordinator: Marija Ratković
Catalogue Editor: Marina Kožul
Translators: Marta Ferković, Ivana Ostojčić
Technical Coordinator: Saša Fistrić
Screenings Coordinators: Openlucht Bioscoop, Atman
Film Translations and Subtitling: Marko Godeč
Proof reading: Mirna Belina, Marina Kožul
CI: Stanislav Habjan, Danijel Žeželj / Petikat
Web Design: Igor Stanišljević, Marko Baus, Marko Knežević / Parabureau
Festival Poster Design: Zlatko Bourek
Festival Award Design: Hrvoje Štefotić
Additional Festival Materials Design: Sunčana Špriovan
Box Office Manager: Ankica Bugarin
Children Program Coordinators: Marija Ratković, Marina Vojvoda
Bulletin Editor: Pavlica Bajsić
Photographers: Hassan Abdelghani, Pipo
Data Base: Miron Sršen
Festival Set Design: Željka Rončević
Cinema Coordinators: Bojan Gagić, Lejla Mekić, Ivan Hormatko, Valentina Orešić
Jury: Joanna Quinn (Great Britain), Moustapha Alassane (Niger), Caroline Leaf (USA / Canada / Great Britain), Igor Kovaljov (Russia / USA), Danijel Šuljić (Croatia)
Grand Prize (best short film of the festival) – festival statue and cash award of 2.500 €, honorary presidency at the next Festival
'The Pearce Sisters', Luis Cook, Great Britain, 2007
'For its original and unique graphics and direction which pulls us into the bleak world of two misfit characters.'
Golden Zagreb Prize – festival statue and cash award of 2.000 €
'The Runt', Andreas Hykade, Germany, 2006
'The Jury has given the Golden Zagreb Prize to the film we consider the second film of the festival. For its strong, simple, clear design and direction which delivers a powerful and shocking message.'
'Zlatko Grgić' Prize (best first production apart from educational institutions) - festival statue and cash award of 1.500 €
'Hezurbeltzak, the Common Grave', Izibene Oñederra, Spain, 2007
'For its anarchic stream of consciousness to pursue her inner vision.'
3 Special Prizes at the discretion of the Jury
'KJFG No. 5', Aleksei Alekseev, Hungary, 2007
'For its excellent humour.'
'Forecast', Adriaan Lokman, The Netherlands, 2006
'For best non-narative film.'
'Madame Tutli-Putli', Chris Lavis, Maciek Szczerbowski, Canada, 2007
'For its cinematography that creates strong atmosphere.'
3 Special Mentions at the discretion of the Jury
'Sony Bravia: Play – Doh', Frank Budgen, Darren Walsh, Britain, 2007
'To a visually surprising commercial.'
'The Beloved Ones', Samantha Moore, Great Britain, Uganda, 2007.
'For its message, told in a personal, accessible way.'
'She who Measures', Veljko Popović, Croatia, 2008
'For using 3D animation in an organic and handcrafted way.'
Jury: Regina Pessoa (Portugal), Helena Klakočar Vukšić (Netherlands, Croatia), Saeed Tavakolian (Iran), Erik van Drunen (Netherlands), Nedžad Begović (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
'We travelled through an artistic universe in 78 films. We enjoyed the quality and diversity and are confident about the future of the medium.'
"Dušan Vukotić" Prize (best student film) – a Dušan Vukotić medal and a cash award of 1.000 €
"The Irresistible Smile", Ami Lindholm, Finland, 2006
'For its charming and effective humour and simplicity of design. The pleasure and the freshness of the animation with touching dramatic details leaves no spectator indifferent.'
3 Special Mentions at the discretion of the Jury
"Beton", Ariel Belinco, Michael Faust, Israel/The Netherlands, 2006'For the artist’s engagement clearly executed, beautifully designed and animated. The film has a strong voice.'
"Camera Obscura", Matthieu Buchalski, Jean-Michel Drechsler, Thierry Onillion, France, 2007
'For its fresh, outstanding and innovative approach of the medium.
It brought the members of the jury in an imaginative world where anything is possible.'
"Can You Go Through?", Banj Ju-Young, Republic of Korea, 2006
'For a strange but intimately intriguing universe, elegantly designed.'
Children Jury: Patrik Horvat, Paloma Quinn Mills, Anja Sever, Anna Šagadin, Anđela Žapčić
Best film for children (festival statue)
'My happy End', Milen Vitanov, Germany 2007
'It was a very hard choice, because there were so many great movies and in the end we had to choose only one. After a lot of hard thinking we came to decision to give the main prize to the movie which had the most original story, smooth and unusual animation – which all in all fitted the profile we were looking for.'
3 Special Mentions at the discretion of the childrens Jury
"Animatou" directed by Claude Luyet, Georges Schwizgebel, Dominique Delachaux-Lambert, Claude Barras and Romeo Andreani, Switzerland, 2007
"Oktapodi", directed by Julien Bocabeille, Francois Xavier Chanioux, Olivier Delabarre, Thierry Marchand, Emund Mokhber and Quentin Marmier, France 2007
"KJFG No.5" directed by Alexey Alekseev, Hungary, 2007
Lifetime Achievment Award (at the discretion of the Festival Council)
Priit Pärn (Estonia)
Award for outstanding achievement in animation theory (at the discretion of the Festival Council)
Clare Kitson (Great Britain)
Award to an educational institution for the best choice of films submitted for pre-selection (at the discretion of the Student Selection Committee)
Akademia Sztuk Pięknych w Krakowie (Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland)
Audience Award Mr. M for best film in Grand and Student Competition
'KJFG No. 5', Aleksei Alekseev, Hungary, 2007
Best film (at the discretion of the animation and new media students jury)
'Skhizein', Jérémy Clapin, France, 2008
Poster by: Stanislav Habjan, Danijel Žeželj / Petikat