World Festival of Animated Film /
short film edition 12 - 17 June 2006
World Festival of Animated Film / short film edition 12 - 17 June 2006
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Authors   |   Jérémy Clapin


Jérémy Clapin got his degree in Paris ENSAD in 1999. He works since then in art direction, illustrator for editors and magazines, animator and independent director for commercials. In 2004, he directs his first animation short film, A Backbone Tale, which wins about 15 international awards. In 2008, Skhizein, his second film, is nominated for the French Césars, short-listed for the Oscars and wins more than 90 awards in festivals. In 2010, he joins Papy3D Productions and directs Palmipedarium, his new film financed by Arte and entirely made using Open Source software (Blender).
