World Festival of Animated Film /
short film edition 12 - 17 June 2006
World Festival of Animated Film / short film edition 12 - 17 June 2006
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Authors   |   David Peroš-Bonnot


David Peroš Bonnot was born 24 November 1967 in Zagreb. He graduated from the School of Applied Arts and later in painting from the Zagreb Academy of Fine Arts (1993), under professor Ivo Friščić. Since 1994 he has been making special props, sets, puppets, scale models and costumes for film and TV productions, also pursuing animation (stop motion), illustration and applied sculpture. He regularly publishes illustrations and comics in children’s magazines and has fully illustrated three children’s books and several textbooks. GSC Award winner at the 28th Zagreb Salon in the young authors category for his video Kugelprogramm and wall installation MMP in 2006.His first animated film Soldat was selected and awarded at over 50 international festivals.