World Festival of Animated Film /
14 - 19 June 2004
World Festival of Animated Film / 14 - 19 June 2004
hr | en

Authors   |   Gábor Ulrich

Gábor Ulrich (1967) graduated at Kecskemét Teacher Training College, visual course in 1990. He has taken his diploma at Hungarian University of Arts and Design in typography in 1996. Since 1992 he is a freelance graphic designer. He makes experimental works with organic base. Some of them are The Butcher’s Pocket Radio (2010), Panopticum (2008), Dangling or Ten Trivialities (2009), Desdemona Break (2007) and Ssshottt! (2007). 

Films screened at Animafest


Grand Panorama 2 (2012)