Programme Committee: Dušan Vukotić, president
Borivoj Dovniković, Boris Kolar, Želimir Matko, Milivoj Pogrmilović, Aleksandar Marks, Pavao Štalter
Festival Director: Želimir Matko
Films entered for competition 364
Participating countries 25
Films in competition 103
Films out of competition 54
International Selection Committee
Joszef Gemes - Hungary
Stan Hayward - Great Britain
Gunnar Karlssen - Sweden
Boris Kolar - Yugoslavia
Nikola Kostelac - Yugoslavia
International Jury
Faith Hubley - USA
Sidney Goldsmith - Canada
Bruno Bozzetto - Italy
Ivan Ivanov Vano - USSR
Donio Donev - Bulgaria
Bretislav Pojar - Czechoslovakia
Ante Zaninović - Yugoslavia
Official Awards
Grand Prix
Dnevnik Diary, Nedeljko Dragić, Yugoslavia
Awards in categories
Films shorter than 3 min
First award: Sisyphus, Marcell Jankovics, Hungary
Second award: Le vol d'Icare The Flight of Icarus, Georges Schwizgebel, Switzerland
Third award: Couleur enchainee Colour in chaines Pierre Davidovici, France
Films longer than 3 min
First award: Putnik drugog razreda Second Class Passenger, Borivoj Dovniković, Yugoslavia
Second award: The Legend of John Henry, Sam Weiss, USA
Third award: Ze života ptaku The Birds Life, Miloš Macourek, Jaroslav Doubrava, Adolf Born, Czechoslovakia
Educational films
Animated Pie, Robert Bloomberg, USA
Films for children, not part of a series
Lisa i zajc The Fox and the Hare, Yuri Norstein, USSR
Films for children that are part of TV series
Zagor e l'erba musicale Zagor and the Musical Grass , Pierluigi de Mas, Italy
Best first film
Long Animated Journey, Gerald Scarfe, Great Britain
Special award for graphics
Au bout du fil Cat's Cradle , Paul Driessen, Canada
Special award for the story
The Last Cartoon Man, Jeffrey Hale, USA
Special award for the music
Kak ženi muži prodavali How women sold their husbands, Irina Gurvič, USSR
Special awards at discretion of the jury
Tyrannie Tiranny, Phillippe Faustin, France
Polet Taking off, Rein Raamat, USSR
Animation from Cape Dorset, Canada
Films by Bob Godfrey
Films by Fjodor Hitruk
Films by John Hubley
Films by Bretislav Pojar
Films by Walt Disneya
BILIFA films
Drawings and cells by authors of Zagreb school
Nedeljko Dragić: Drawings from the film The Diary
Poster by: Zvonimir Lončarić