VRinMotion – ExperiMotion 1
Nikola Tesla Technical Museum
08-10/06, 11:00-19:00
We transfer your stop-motion animation into virtual reality!
The art-based research project VRinMotion showcases the innovative results of merging traditional stop-motion techniques with the immersive power of virtual reality. Spectators of this installation are invited to create their own stop-motion loops and witness them come to life within the VR environment where they can engage further. This installation’s core is a collaboration between guest artists Max Hattler, Sune Petersen, and the VRinMotion team. VRinMotion is hosted by the Institute Creative\Media/Technologies at the St. Pölten UAS, supported by the artist studio Lichterloh, and funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF PEEK AR 669).