08/06 THU 22:00 CAFÉ &TD
The Shcha7sec is an international nomadic micro-festival of animation films up to 7 seconds long. Premiere editions usually take place within the frames of the bigger 'real' festivals, forming together a kind of symbiosis. That is because we call our event microbe-festival. Screening with the opening and closing ceremony takes around one hour. The festival runs around 3 times per year.
No selection. No hierarchy. Everyone with a prize is a jury. Films can be made either by professionals or amateurs using any animation technique.
The idea is to give an opportunity to everyone to show their microfilm and to watch it together with an audience on a big screen. There is no selection process, films that follow regulations and meet the law of the host country, will be shown on a big screen. For the 9th edition taking place in the frame of the Zagreb Animafest one director can submit up to 2 films during the open call.