World Festival of Animated Film /
5 to 10 June 2023
World Festival of Animated Film / 5 to 10 June 2023
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Ghost in the Shell / Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell


Ghost in the Shell / Ghost in the Shell

Mamoru Oshii

Japan, United Kingdom / 1995 / 87' 0''


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Sunday, 11. 06.,
Tuškanac Cinema, 17:00 h


In 2029, with the advancement of cybernetic technology, the human body can be augmented or even completely replaced with cybernetic parts. Another significant achievement is the cyberbrain, a mechanical casing for the human brain that allows access to the Internet and other networks. An often-mentioned term is 'ghost', referring to the consciousness inhabiting the body, the 'shell'. These join the famous thriller which will intertwine the lives of the Major Motoko Kusanagi and a master hacker, known only as the Puppet Master, who robs humans of their memories.

Mamoru Oshii

Legendary Japanese filmmaker Mamoru Oshii (1951) is a master at blending surreal imagery with philosophic uncertainty. His films are sparse, and visually arresting, both ambiguous and certain all at once. His films Patlabor (1989), Angel’s Egg (1985) and Ghost in the Shell pose questions about life which, in the new-found digital age, we are only now finding answers for. The cult anime classic Ghost in the Shell, a dystopian vision of the fusion of human and machine, inspired many artists, as well as The Matrix.



Mamoru Oshii


Production I.G; Bandai Visual; Manga Entertainment


Kazunori Itō, prema / based on: Masamune Shirow: Ghost in the Shell


Kenji Kawai


Shūichi Kakesu, Shigeyuki Yamamori


Ghost in the Shell