World Festival of Animated Film /
3 to 8 June 2019
World Festival of Animated Film / 3 to 8 June 2019
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The Overcoat / The Overcoat

Meelis Arulepp, Sean Mullen

Ireland, Estonia / 2018 / 30' 0''


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Tuesday, 04. 06.,
Kinoteka, 15:30 h
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Saturday, 08. 06.,
Kinoteka, 14:00 h


An adaptation of Nikolai Gogol’s classic tale, The Overcoattakes the form of a bedtime story told by a grandfather to his granddaughter about a lonely office worker who saves up to buy a new coat at Christmas in an effort to make new friends, only for fate take a ghostly hand. Directed by Meelis Arulepp and Sean Mullen, from a script written by Hugh O’Conor, The Overcoatcombines classical hand-drawn animation with modern CG animation techniques to craft a unique and heart-warming Christmas story that speaks to audiences of all ages.

Sean Mullen

Geist was a collaboration of Giant Animation’s 3 Directors, Alex Sherwood, Ben Harper and Sean Mullen. Launched in 2012, Giant Animation’s work has been selected for the prestigious Annecy Animation Festival, nominated for an IFTA, winners of the Galway Film Fleadh for Best Animation Sequence and has won two consecutive Digital Media Awards for Best TV & Animation. The Dublin studio is home to a dynamic creative team, which reflects some of the best talent in Ireland. The 3 Directors bring passion, vibrancy and dedication to every project they encounter. The 3 Directors working on Geist demonstrates their love for film, cinematography and story.



Meelis Arulepp, Sean Mullen


Giant Animation; A Film Estonia


Hugh O’Conor


Mutiny Post


Liina Sumera


Family Program 1 - Holiday Magic (age 6-10)