World Festival of Animated Film /
short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
World Festival of Animated Film / short and feature edition 5 to 10 June 2017
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At ULUPUH and Schira Gallery: Wonders from the Academy of Media Arts Cologne

One of the special Animafest Zagreb events will be the exhibition of works by students of the Academy of Media Arts Cologne – KHM (Germany), one of the two animation schools Animafest is presenting this year.

The German students will be presenting seven pieces made in the past few years, some at ULUPUH Gallery, Animafest’s traditional partner, and some at the newly opened Schira Gallery in 13 Preradović Street.

Anna Mahendra is presenting her sculpture Wayfaring Wanderer of the Worlds, Diana Menestrey her video installations Obstructions and Anomalies, Jonas Hansen the video game Duel42, Nieves de la Fuente Gutiérrez the hologram, sculpture and video game installation Reliquia de las disciplinas geográficas, Pauline Flory the video installation Sur la table, and Igor Moromisato the spatial projection Catador.

In the past few years there has been an evident growth in the number of gallery pieces using animation. As the number of departments where students can study animation also grew, the number of artists using animation as part of their creative expression grew in proportion.

Also, there have been more and more gallerists offering such pieces in their portfolios. Pieces that were not meant to be screened at cinemas, but displayed in galleries. Mostly these are installations, sometimes interactive.

Animafest Zagreb finally got a chance to present an exhibition of animation-based gallery installations. The Academy of Media Arts Cologne and its animation department, focusing precisely on the meeting point of animation and visual arts, is the perfect choice for such a presentation.

The Schira Gallery part of the exhibition will open on Monday, 6 June at 12.00, and ULUPUH opens on Tuesday, 7 June at 11.00. In both galleries the exhibitions will remain on display 10.00 to 20.00, closing on Saturday, 11 June. Free admission.