Date and time: June 7th and 8th, 10:00h-17:00h
Place: Zagrebački plesni centar, Ilica 10, Zagreb
Animafest Scanner III 2016
9:30 Introduction
Franziska Bruckner, Nikica Gilić, Holger Lang, Daniel Šuljić, Hrvoje Turković
Keynote andPanel 1: Animation Awards
Moderation: Nikica Gilić
10:00-10:45 Marcin Giżycki (Academy of Information Technology, Warsaw / Rhode Island School of Design, Providence)
Keynote: Animation Since 1980: A Personal Journey
10:50-11:20 Olivier Cotte (Independent Scholar, Penninghen)
Secrets of Oscar-winning Animation: An Analysis of Father and Daughter by Michael Dudok de Wit
11:25-11:55 Olga Bobrowska (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
How the Canon was Tempered: Classic Chinese Animation in the Mirror of Festival Circuit
12:15-12:45 Mikhail Gurevich (Independent Scholar, Chicago)
„Oscar Anxiety“ Russian Style: The Case of Konstantin Bronzit and Beyond
12:50-13:20 Giannalberto Bendazzi (Independent Scholar, Genoa)
The Zagreb School and the Academy Awards
Panel 2: Animation in the Raw
Moderation: Holger Lang
14:45-15:15 Edwin Carels (School of Arts KASK/HoGent)
The Image at a Turning Point: Correcting the Perspective on Joseph Plateau
15:20-15:50 Kristina Marić (Independent Scholar, Osijek)
Raw Animation as a Battlefield of Non-Art and Anti-Art
15:55-16:25 Michał Bobrowski (Jagiellonian University, Kraków)
Subversive Machinery. DIY Philosophy in Films of Julian Antonisz
16:30-17:00 Tess Martin (Independent Scholar, Rotterdam)
What Rules? The Independent Spirit of the Pacific Northwest of the USA
Panel 3: Zagreb School of Animation
Moderation: Hrvoje Turković
10:00 Introduction
10:15-10:45 Andrijana Ružić (Independent Scholar, Milan)
The Importance of Ranko Munitić’s Work on Zagreb School of Animation within the History of Animation Studies in Former Yugoslavia
10:50-11:20 Irena Paulus (Independent Scholar, Zagreb)
Animation Experienced through Music: Tomislav Simović and Zagreb School of Animation
11:25-11:55 Midhat Ajanović Ajan (University West, Trollhättan)
“Proxy Space” à la Zagreb. On the Minimalistic Approach in Creating Symbolic Space in Animated Films Made by the Zagreb School Animators of the “Golden Age”
Panel 4: Currents and Trends
Moderation: Franziska Bruckner
12:15-12:45 Carmen Lloret Ferándiz (Universitat Politècnica de València)
Tania de León Yong (UNAM – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City)
Creative Expression of Movement: Synthesis versus Mimesis of Motion in a Series of Animated Films
12:50-13:20 Burcu Kartal (Ipek University, Ankara)
At the Edge of Uncanny Valley: Facial Animation and Rapid Prototyping
Panel 5: Animation and Games
Moderation: Franziska Brückner
14:45-15:15 Ilija Barišić (Independent Scholar, Zagreb)
Techniques and Styles of Animation in Videogames
15:20-15:50 Chunning Guo (Art School, Renmin University of China, Beijing)
The Choice of Hetero-geneity: Generative Artistic Animation and Re-evolution of Games
15:55-16:25 Jürgen Hagler, Jeremiah Diephuis(University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg)
Animating Interactive Spaces
16:30-17:00 Vladimir Rismondo (University of J.J. Strossmayer, Osijek)
Concepts of Space and Animation in the Context of Computer Games and Virtual Reality
World festival of Animated film - Animafest Zagreb
ASIFA - Austria
Hulahop Film & Art Production
Organizing committee:
Mag. art. Daniel Šuljić, World festival of Animated film - Animafest Zagreb
Mag. phil. mag. art. Franziska Brückner, ASIFA - Austria / AG Animation Vienna
Dr. sc. Nikica Gilić, Assoc. Prof., Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
Prof. Holger Lang, Webster Vienna Private University
Prof. dr. Hrvoje Turković, Prof. in retirement, Academy of Dramatic Arts, University of Zagreb
With support of:
City of Zagreb
Zagreb Tourist Board
Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC)
Austrian Cultural Forum in Zagreb
AG Animation of the Society for Media Studies (GfM)
Webster Vienna Private University
Zagreb Dance Centre (ZPC)